Tuesday, November 8, 2011

18 wks 2 days

We had another visit to the doctor on Monday.  We got to do a sonogram this time for them to measure length of different bones to estimate size/age of baby.  I was supposed to be almost 19 weeks when they did it, but measurements put us back where I knew us to be, 18 weeks 2 days.  (Which means I was right, our "weeks" change on Saturdays, not Tuesdays like they originally said.)

I feel lots more wiggles and kicks now. It's so nice. I really enjoyed all of that so much when pregnant with Evalyn.  Not strong enough movements for Jason to feel yet, maybe in a couple more weeks.  My weight is going up as it should and my finger prick test for iron was still really good.  (Must be all those hamburgers I crave when pregnant, LOL!)

Here's the 2 pictures we got to take home with us.

First is the "freaky" picture.  Baby is facing straight up, so no cute profile picture.  :-) During the sonogram on the screen you could even really see the eyeballs...very neat and weird at the same time. Of course Jason's comment was, "Can you tell what color eyes they are?"  Silly guy!  If you look closely you can see some of them in the picture I scanned.  This picture really shows the ribs well!

This 2nd photo is why we still are definitely not finding out what baby is!  (We are still discussing it though, we do have a little over 4 months to decide still.)  ;-)   Baby was not going to show us this time anyway.  Those are the knees on the right on and the head to the left.  Gorgeous little arm/hands  in the middle.

Due date is still towards end of first week of April.
Any votes on boy or girl?  Leave a comment.  Thanks


Mama E said...

I still vote boy! :)

Anonymous said...

I say another girl. Whoop!

Diana said...

Hi, love your blog. Met you on Pic the Holidays

Diana said...

Hi. Love your blog. Met you on Pic the Holidays

jacqueline said...

Dearest sweet Michelle, CONGRATZ!! I am from picture the holidays and so glad i came by your blog today. This is really wonderful news. :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!