Our friends the Van's, Kurt, Susanne, and Tex came down to Valley for the 4th of July weekend. We were lucky enough to get to spend some one on one time with them and also in group settings. Yes, I just stayed a week up with them in League City, but it's always nice to see friends!
Friday the 3rd
Jason had off so he and Kurt went golfing. A mutual friend, Andrew, was able to join them for the final 9 holes. They started close to 10 am and finished just before 2 pm. Needless to say Jason got a bit of a sunburn. :-)
Susanne and I went to the Family Thrift Store to do some shopping. Then we all came back to our house and relaxed/cooled off before heading to the bowling alley.
Dinner at the bowling alley, love their fajitas and nachos, and the Hartzler's came and joined us for a couple games.
We all had a very nice time chatting and getting a bit of a workout bowling. This is the first time bowling since pregnant so I knew to take it easy, I even used a 6 lb ball, which is half the weight that I usually use. The kids had fun too. I'll post video clips later if I get the chance, or they'll go on YouTube instead. I broke 100, ok I think it was 100 even, but still a great game for the shape I am in.
Speaking of shapes. I took this fun picture of the "2 bowling balls" . . .
which then led to this picture....
Saturday, July 4th
I was able to sleep in some while Jason went to breakfast with Kurt & Tex. They then stopped on the way back to the house to locate a geocache. (More info about geocaching HERE.)
Jason and Tex play Connect Four and we all relaxed for a bit then got ready for BBQ. Barry & Michele Goldsmith from Jason's office hosted the bbq. Super yummy appetizers, games, swimming (for Tex), and some really great grilled meats!
Yes, Jason even drank a beer!! (He said it tasted like every other beer he's had. Not too fond of them I guess.)
Me and my water bottle, Jason wouldn't let me take the funny picture holding his beer. :-(
Back to the house later on and we headed over to grill hotdogs with my dad. (When I say "we" I mean, ME.) Dessert was yummy cake and ice cream and root beer floats. The 4th is Grandma Straub's birthday and tradition is root beer floats that day.
We hurried back home where I prepped our floats while Jason set up the chairs in backyard to watch the fireworks show to be done at the Bville Sports Park just down from our house. We had a very nice view of it. I downloaded Patriotic music from amazon.com and played it on the laptop while we watched. Our neighbors assisted with a few "up close and personal" fireworks.
Then I dug out the "Rambling Wreck" from last year some time for Jason to light. Had to explode something!! It was so windy it took a votive candle to get it to light and actually go off. Here's some "action shots" of it and the mark it left on the road.
Sunday the 5th
Church with the Van's and the lunch at El Pollo Loco. There were 15 of us there for lunch before the Van's drove back to LC. We were so happy that Jim and Darlene came to join us for lunch! I hadn't seen them in so long, and the Van's missed them the last time. We all had a wonderful meal and took some photos. (I only have this one from my camera, I'll post others when I get them.)
What a great weekend celebrating our country's independence with friends and family!
Love you all!