Well we are happy to announce that we are expecting our first baby!
Baby Straub will arrive in mid-October. Right now our due date is October 16th, but I have a feeling it's off by a few days, we'll know more hopefully after our next appointment. (May 7th) Jason was so excited when I told him, he of course wanted to go out and tell everyone right away, but I wanted to err on the side of caution and we waited until past the first trimester, which lined up with Easter weekend. A few close family and friends were told before then so we had a support group for the first few months as we learned what this pregnancy thing meant. :)
We have both enjoyed this time. Some days are good, some not so good. I really didn't have any morning sickness. Allergies were actually my biggest issue, so our trip to the Pacific Northwest (WA & OR) while nothing was really blooming and the warmest it ever got was 62 one "hot" afternoon. Food issues have seemed to be the only problem. Not cravings, mainly being hungry every 3 hours or waking up at 4 am because my stomach growled so loud it woke me up.
The big question now is "are you showing yet?" I don't really think so, but I have noticed a slight change. But, I'll let you judge for yourself. Here are the 2 photos I have so far. Hopefully we'll get on a set schedule to take the photos at regular intervals from now on.

At our last appointment on April 9th we had a sonogram, and here's the best one of all of them. I've labeled it the best I could so hopefully you can see what is what. Again, more photos coming soon with this next appointment.

And last, but not least, the rest of the usual questions:
Boy or Girl? Gee we hope so! Truthfully we don't know yet if we will find out we have differing ideas on that, but don't have to decide until June when it's more likely the doctor could tell us.
Names? We're having lots of fun reading baby name books, but no real list narrowed down. We also will not be telling anyone the names chosen until baby is here.
Nursery theme? This is in the works and when it's a little more finalized I will post information. I know there are lots of people that want to do a handmade item for the new little one and want color options. I can tell you to avoid all pastels. I've never been a fan of them, even for babies. Sorry everyone! :)
I think that is about it for now. There should be plenty more posts coming soon since "the news" is out for the world to know. Thank you for the prayers for us as we go through the coming months.
Lots of love,
Jason, Michelle, and baby Straub