Sunday, March 20, 2011

Air Fiesta

A few pictures from Air Fiesta 2011 -

Jason had Saturday setup/work for the NWS Booth and I had a shift at the MOPS Changing Station on Sunday morning while he worked the NWS Booth. We had a lot of fun. My dad came out to on Sunday to enjoy the show and helped watch Evalyn. Oh and Saturday we went and watched from the NWS office on the other side of the airport/runways the B2 Stealth Bomber fly over.

Jason ready to work!

What happens when you choose to not nap until in the Ergo....

What Evie does during a Stealth Bomber flyover!

She liked her ear "muffs" but only for the loud planes of course.

Hanging with Poppy at the fence line watching the planes!

The A-10 after his very entertaining show!

And for fun.....

Charro Days

At Sombrero Fest 2011

Eating a lemon