Friday, October 9, 2009

Jason's Birthday

I'm a bit behind on posting pictures from Jason's birthday, sorry!

My lovey who is now 34 years old!!
(If you asked him that night though he thought it was only 33!)

We went out to dinner at Schlitterbahn's The Shrimp Haus (his usual choice). We invited my parents and David and Katy to join us. We had some time before everyone arrived and were able to walk out to the beach. Everyone enjoyed yummy varieties of shrimp and Jason had cheesecake after the couple that performs each Saturday sang "Happy Birthday" to him.

When Jason went back to work the Monday after his birthday I surprised him with a cake at the office.

He's very excited to get his birthday gift this Sunday... a new cell phone!!


In honor of the Aggie game this weekend. Here's a picture of what my dad brought back from College Station last week:


(This will be baby's outfit for Thanksgiving Day.)

Week 39

Week 39

Here's the picture for today. We've now officially reached 9 and 3/4 months for this pregnancy.

We are looking forward to our little one arriving soon, but not too soon!

Here's a photo from a month before (35 weeks) to show the difference.

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Baby Shower with MOPS Moms

As many of you know I worked with MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) for the last 5 years and then back in college for 2 years also. I coordinated the MOPPETS (kid's program) and then last year was just the adult in charge of the babies - 2.5 year olds room. I've already attended 2 meetings as a "mom" and have very much enjoyed it. Some of the ladies wanted to have a shower for me to "love on me" as I have "loved on their kids." It was so nice to enjoy a few hours on a Sunday with the ladies chatting, listening to their labor/delivery stories, and lots of yummy food.

Here are a few snapshots my mom took.

Jenny & Anna hosted the shower.

Measuring the belly - Celeste, Ruby's daughter was the closest! (I had her in the MOPPETS program a couple years ago.) 46 inches in case you were wondering.

Jenny "Barker" as we played The Price is Right game.

I love these MOPS mommies!

9 1/2 Months

Can you believe we have reached the 9 1/2 month pregnant mark?! I am so happy this baby is deciding to stay in and develop as long as possible. (Of course, as long as that doesn't include getting to be HUGE!)

Here are the last 4 weeks of photos in a collage.

I've had people tell me that it looks like belly is dropping down some. I think I can definitely feel the difference since the heartburn at night doesn't happen nearly as much and I can eat a pretty decent portion of food for a meal. I've also had people say that each time they see me from week to week that I look bigger. Thankfully that doesn't bother me, since I do know my weight is not changing the last few visits to the doctor.

Baby does like to practice his/her kickboxing moves, mainly at night, so that hasn't been much fun. Sleeping is starting to become a pretty big issue, but I try to sleep as much as I can when I have the time.

We toured the labor/delivery and postpartum floors at our hospital (Valley Baptist Brownsville) yesterday. That was very nice to get to see more of the rooms and meet some of the people around there. The lactation consultant was the one that showed us around and she was very helpful!! I'm looking forward to using her services while there. She's only there on Mon-Fri so I'm hoping baby decides Sunday is a good time to be born and I can have help all day Monday before going home. We do know we will have to be very assertive when it comes to breastfeeding and what we want done with baby for rooming-in and medications/procedures, so please pray that the staff is open to listening and following our wishes. We don't need the stress of that along with trying to be relaxed and bonding with baby.

Good luck to all of you that put a guess in on

Player Relation Boy or Girl Baby's Birthdate Baby's Weight Score
Shelley Crawford Relative Boy 7 October 2010 8 lbs/8 ozs ?
Nezette Rydell NWS
Girl 24 October 2009 8 lbs/3 ozs ?
Geoff Bogorad NWS
Girl 22 October 2009 8 lbs/1 ozs ?
Lizette Fleming ie: Marmie Relative Boy 21 October 2009 8 lbs/4 ozs ?

Special thanks for guessing lower birth weights! I appreciate that!