I was out of town when I marked the entrance into my third trimester. Jason and I had been to San Antonio with his family and then I went over to College Station for a while then back down to San Antonio to fly back home. While in San Antonio, the second time, I had dinner at my aunt & uncle's house then stayed the night at my cousin's house. We were able to take "belly pictures" again. We were both excited to since it had been exactly a month since the last one. She is 6 weeks ahead of me for her pregnancy.
Brian got a good picture of us discussing our size!
Erin (34 weeks) Michelle (28 weeks)
Here's me from the past few months:

It's interesting to see them in succession to really see how much I've grown! I do know that right now I'm growing about 1 inch around the middle of belly each week! I've tracked it for the last 3 weeks and that is what it has been.
This coming Saturday is the baby shower my mom and sister have been planning. I'm looking forward to spending some fun times with friends and family that are coming into town.
So... any guesses by seeing pictures of if it's a boy or girl? Still seems like about 90% are saying "boy."
(My cousin's having a boy if that helps you make any comparisons.)
(My cousin's having a boy if that helps you make any comparisons.)