Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Introducing Evalyn Alice Straub


Evalyn Alice Straub

Born Monday, October 19th at 10:56 pm

Weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.

Mommy and baby girl!
Yes I did it! Naturally too!

Proud Daddy!

Family of three now!

Evalyn about an hour old.

Proud grandparents, Marmie & Poppy.
All clean after a bath. Like my hair?

I like to sleep.

Holding on for a "ride."
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PogosMother said...

WELCOME EVALYN!!! What a beautiful baby!!! I'm such a proud grandma! Marmie

Mama E said...

I LOVE the last picture! She looks a lot older than a newborn in it! Can't WAIT to meet her!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous baby!! Congratulations to you both. Michelle, great job on the natural delivery -- worth the effort. Our best for the whole Straub family!!