Saturday, October 12, 2013


Baby #2 is due in December 2013

We have moved and are adding to our family!  Baby BOY Straub will hopefully arrive by mid-December.  Evalyn is quite excited, however still asks for a little sister. ;-)

Saturday, January 26, 2013


This is the telescope I gave +Jason Straub  for Christmas.

Celestron Powerseeker 114AZ Reflector Telescope

I ordered it through a Black Friday deal (on Thanksgiving Day) from Kohl's.  Yes, I too was amazed that Kohl's had telescopes!  I think we got a wonderful deal on it for his first telescope as an adult.

It didn't seem that large in the picture, so I wasn't sure what to expect.  But as you can see from the photo of him using it, it's a decent sized telescope and does a great job.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I love you...

to the moon and back!

I was going to blog about the joy of slicing an avocado in half and sprinkling just a bit is Season Salt on it, but before I got my first bite Jason called me outside to come see the moon through his new telescope.

WOW! Even with his lowest magnification lens, 25 mm, it was an amazingly crisp image! I was able to snap a picture with my phone and then later, as we chased it across the sky, the tablet.  (Just FYI, we call the tablet Tabby.)
Moon with Jupiter on bottom right.- Basic "naked eye" photo w/Tabby

Moon with 25 mm lens on telescope. Photo taken with Tabby.

Jupiter with moons. This was the best photo I could get with how fast they moved across the sky.
The moon is glowing at the bottom.

I see many future date nights with my star gazer. :-) 
This post would not have been possible without my husband's interest in astronomy. Thank you +Jason Straub!